Jarlath's 2FM Playlist
06 Aug 2014
This evening on RTE 2FM Jarlath is choosing the tracks for the 5-Track-Shuffle on The Alternative with Dan Hegarty.
Tune in or listen online here.
And, here are Jarlaths tracks:
The Beatles - Strawberry Fields:
"This song, and subsequently the Magical Mystery Tour blew my mind. As a kid I never considered older music to be anything worth going back to until I was about 14 a friend made me listen to strawberry fields and the MMT from there on. It was the first time I ever thought about how music was made contrary to the limitations that existed."
Massive attack - Teardrop:
"What I loved about Massive Attack was that I couldn't really identify what genre they were. I loved the fact that it really felt like they didn't give a shit about what type of music they made, once it was great."
Villagers - the Waves:
"Awayland is just an example of the amazing music coming out of Ireland over the last few years. To me, it's a perfect album with a great balance or organic & synthetic mixed with exceptional vocals & lyrics. I think as a band it's an album with the sort of ideals that we all aspire to achieving."
Crystal castles - untrust us:
"Although seeing them at Electric Picnic was a huge disappointment to me, they were the band that led me to chiptune music & from there, sound effects as music. In a way it was the modern revelation introducing me to a different type of electronic music, effects & music production - just as the beastie boys was the first window into sampling."
Radiohead - Climbing up the Walls:
"To me Radiohead are geniuses. I wasn't a huge fan growing up and would have to confess to not even listening to all of their albums to an obsessive extent but there's something fascinating about them in terms of their approach to music and how they work as a band. I don't think Radiohead could be Radiohead without any member of the band being there. They all bring so much character to the end product. If we could agree on one band, it would probably be Radiohead."

Photo Credit: Tudor Marian for Dublin Concerts.